Why is 8 Hours of Sleep Important for Health and Well-Being?

Key Highlights: Why 8 Hours of Sleep is Important

  • Maintains physical health and prevents chronic diseases.
  • Boosts mental health and improves focus.
  • Prevents drowsiness and ensures safety.
  • Aids growth and development in kids and teens.
  • Enhances brain function and energy levels.

Why is 8 hours of Sleep Important for Health and Well-Being?

A human body is a pretty complicated and continuously working system that works for our day to day wellbeing. Even though the organs and its mechanism work 24×7, it also requires a sustainable amount of sleep and rest to gain the health benefits of adequate sleep. Doctors have thus, always recommended a minimum of 8 hours of sleep for a normal human body. The importance of 8 hours sleep is pretty crucial for the wellbeing and sound health of the organ system, too.

Why do we need to rest for 8 hours?

Here are a few crucial points to validate 8 hours of sleep for our body!

Getting the recommended sleep duration is important for your health and well-being because it helps with many aspects of your life, including:

  • 8 hours of sleep is a vital requirement for maintaining your physical health and keeping aways from the chances of getting prone to chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure and heart complications. With good sleep, your body weight stays maintained due to improved metabolism.  This means your sleep and well-being are connected.
  • Good sleep is directly related to improved mental health that helps in clear thinking and mindful living with improved concentration. Mental ailments tend to start developing as bad effects of sleep deprivation.
  • Improper sleep might lead to drowsiness and laziness all day. This can prove dangerous while driving, workplace operations, etc. Thus, a good sleep is an insurer of safety, too.  
  • For a continued and supportive growth and development in children and teenagers, 8 hours of sleep plays a vital role.  
  • Ample sleep works on pacifying brain development and functioning along with keeping the right energy and endurance in place. 

How can we ensure 8 hours of sleep?

There are many ways to ensure you get a good night sleep of 8 hours as sleep and mental health is completely connected-

1.     Eat your food early

To be able to have a peaceful sleep, make sure you have your dinner as early as possible. With good digestion, you will automatically feel the bliss of a good night’s sleep and get the right connection between sleep and physical health.

2.      Listen to light music to relax your senses

Listening to some light music will relax your senses and lead to a peaceful night sleep that remains uninterrupted with a calmer mind.

3.      Do not invest your time in a mobile phone right before sleep

Keep your phone away from you at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Using electronic devices disrupts the sleep pattern by keeping your mind agile.

4.      Invest in a good mattress

Investing in a good quality, ergonomically designed orthopaedic mattress will help balance the pressure points and support your entire body for a good sleep quality and health.

5.      Your pillow is your sleep partner

Choose the right pillow to support your neck and back for a peaceful and comfortable sleep for 8 hours. However, the height of the pillow should be chosen as per your sleep pattern, only.

At GaddaCo, you will find some of the finest quality and ergonomically designed mattresses and pillows to help you reach the sleep recommendations of 8 hours. So, next time you feel you aren’t getting the right sleep, make sure to change your mattress and get the right one from GaddaCo to create the right coordination between your sleep and cognitive function.

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